Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta is a Professor at Mondragon University. He got his PhD in software engineering at Mondragon University in 2017. His research interests lie in the field of software testing (e.g., search-based software testing, test oracle problem, regression testing, debugging and repair), especially on testing untestable systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, highly configurable systems and Machine-Learning based systems.

Twitter:  @aitorarrieta

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About Me

I am a permanent full-time lecturer and researcher at the University of Mondragon. My research interests include software engineering and software testing areas, mostly related to the application of these to complex software systems, like Cyber-Physical Systems, AI-based systems and Generative AI models. In the last few years, my research has centered on the test oracle problem for this context and test optimization techniques. My research is industry-oriented. I collaborate with different industrial companies to better understand which their real problems are and try not only to devise novel approaches, but ensure its applicability and scalability.

Open PhD Student Position

I am looking for multiple self-motivated PhD students to work in two different projects:

InnoGuard MSCA project, 3 year, 3 PhD positions

ATRACT project, 4 year PhD position

Students and Postdoc Supervision

Current supervision:

Graduated Students:

Previous students and post-doc supervision:



Looking for a PhD, Postdoc or other collaboration? Have a look at the opportunities!


Check my recent papers!




I have served at different conferences, with different roles. These are some examples:


I am part of the Editorial Board of the following journals:

I am part of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) Distinguished Reviewers Board

I have reviewed for different journals, including:


European Projects

Starting in 2024, I will lead the project InnoGuard – InnoGuard: Hybrid and Generative Intelligence for Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems

Starting in 2024, I will lead the project TRUST4AI, Trustable AI-Driven Internet Search!

From 2020 to 2023 March, I coordinated the Adeptness project. If you are interested in the outcomes of this project or you would like to be somehow involved, please contact me!

Industrial Projects

I currently collaborate in private-funding projects with the following companies:

Past Projects

Previously, I worked in different research projects, including:

I have also worked with other industrial private-funding projects with the following companies:
