Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta is a Professor at Mondragon University. He got his PhD in software engineering at Mondragon University in 2017. His research interests lie in the field of software testing (e.g., search-based software testing, test oracle problem, regression testing, debugging and repair), especially on testing untestable systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, highly configurable systems and Machine-Learning based systems.

Twitter:  @aitorarrieta

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There are many opportunities we could explore, which of them suits you best?

You are looking for a PhD?

You have a master’s or you are about to finish it… Research is your pasion… Software testing and related fields attract you… e-mail me! we are always looking for talented students to join our group!

Right now, I am looking for a Ph.D. Student who is interested to work on testing autonomous vehicles. The student will have access both to open-source and industrial systems. The Ph.D. involves a collaboration with Prof. Dr. Shaukat Ali, from Simula Research Laboratory.

Faculty/Postdoc position!

You have finished or are about to finish your PhD…you are looking for a postdoc or faculty position? We might have open positions! e-mail me!

You have an innovative method, but you don’t have a real case study…

We collaborate with industrial partners! Your method might be validated with one of their case studies! Let’s meet to find any potential collaboration opportunity!

You are a company experiencing software testing or software engineering problems!

We are used to collaborating with industrial partners! Let’s meet and see how we could help you!