Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta is a Professor at Mondragon University. He got his PhD in software engineering at Mondragon University in 2017. His research interests lie in the field of software testing (e.g., search-based software testing, test oracle problem, regression testing, debugging and repair), especially on testing untestable systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, highly configurable systems and Machine-Learning based systems.

Twitter:  @aitorarrieta

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PhD on Automated Program Repair of Cyber-Physical Systems

The Spanish Research Council has just funded our project ATRACT, which aims to investigate novel techniques to automatically repair bugs of Cyber-Physical Systems. We will leverage techniques based on Large Language Models and Search-based Algorithms that will aim to automatically repair software bugs related to CPSs. The project includes salary for 4 years and significant funding to attend international conferences!

If you are interested in this opportunity, please, send your CV and Cover Letter (including your research interests and motivation for conducting this PhD) to my e-mail: