Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta

Aitor Arrieta is a Professor at Mondragon University. He got his PhD in software engineering at Mondragon University in 2017. His research interests lie in the field of software testing (e.g., search-based software testing, test oracle problem, regression testing, debugging and repair), especially on testing untestable systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, highly configurable systems and Machine-Learning based systems.

Twitter:  @aitorarrieta

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3 PhD opportunities for the InnoGuard MSCA project

We are looking for 3 (international) students to conduct research within our InnoGuard Marie-Curie Doctoral Network project. The project aims to research Quality Assurance aspects in the context of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems. The salary of the PhD students are highly competitive, and the project aims to collaborate with other European institutions from Italy, Norway, Switzerland and The Netherlands. The network organizes several training schools, for which it is expected the PhD student to travel at least twice per year to other institutions within the project. Besides, the project offers a mobility programme, where it is expected the student to spend 3 months in the facilities of other partners.

At Mondragon University, we will open 3 positions:

Position 1: It aims to investigate Automated Program Repair techniques for repairing the learning components of the AI-enabled CPS.

Position 2: It aims to investigate novel techniques to automatically test AI-enabled CPSs.

Position 3: It aims to investigate Human-Machine Interface techniques to efficiently and effectively translate the “confidence” that the CPS and the AI components have when making decisions.